This might be one for gis.stackexchange but - I'm working with raster data, and attempting to extract values. The problem I'm running into is that my coordinates do not always overlap with the raster data (I have coordinates on the coastline, and sometimes the pixels are a wee bit offshore). I can use buffer, but, sometimes the results are inappropriate, as the buffer radius might, say, cause extract to cross a headland, getting data from pixels that have no relationship to the GPS coordinates I'm interested in.
Rather, I'd like to create a way to buffer directly to the east or west (or in some cases north/south) - to extract the value in the first pixel on a straight line from the coordinates I have.
Consider the following:
# example data
r <- raster(ncol=36, nrow=18, crs='+proj=utm +zone=14 +datum=WGS84')
r[] <- 1:ncell(r)
r[sample(length(r), 250)] <- NA
xy <- cbind(x=-50, y=-15)
plot(SpatialPoints(xy), add=T, pch=19)
segments(-180, -15, 180, -15, lty=2)
which generates
If I just extract with a buffer of say, 50 meters...
extract(r, xy, buffer=50)
[1] 227 228 229 230 NA 232 NA NA 264 265 NA 267 268 269 297 298 299 NA NA NA 303 NA 305 306
[25] NA 334 335 336 337 338 339 NA 341 342 NA NA 371 NA NA NA NA 376 377 NA 405 406 407 NA
[49] NA 410 411 412 413 414 NA 442 443 444 NA NA 447 NA NA 450 NA 479 NA 481 482 NA 484 NA
[73] NA 516 517 518 NA 520
(which, really, that should still get me an NA, as buffer is in I'm doubly confused - although that is not germane to this question)
How, then, could I extract the first value to the west or east along the dotted line, rather than use a circular buffer?