I have downloaded a SpatialLinesDataFrame from http://www.esapubs.org/archive/ecol/E094/150/#data with the following CRS +proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +pm=-160 +no_defs +ellps=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0.
I need to change this projection to regular longlat and make a diversity map out of this dataset. The problem is that a regular reprojection does not work because the coordinates will go over 180 degrees east. Could anyone give some suggestion how to reproject this dataset and to extract raster layers at 5 arcminutes spatial resolution. This will allow me to stack the raster files and extract biodiversity values.
Any help is appreciated, Niels
. I'm concerned about their validity. It was correctly assigned? Did you try to represent the data in a GIS? – Paulo E. Cardoso