The formula for gaussian wave is 1/[sqrt(2* pi* variance)]*exp{-[(x-xo).^2/(2*variance)]};
I have this question in 3 parts:
1) How to generate a time domain Gaussian signal with a given central frequency.
(I tried to control it by changing the "variance" value but it is a trial and error method. Is there any other simple way to achieve it.)
2) My second problem is in determining its frequency spectrum.
(I generate a Gaussian signal in time domain and took its fourier transform using FFT. Problem is that all frequencies are distributed around the zero hertz rather than being around the central frequency.)
% test for gausssian signal ; Time to Freq
% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
fs=1/dt; %sampling frequency
t=dt*(-n/2:n/2); %time base
sigma=0.001; variance=sigma^2;
subplot(2,1,1); plot(t,xt,'b');
title(['Gaussian Pulse \sigma=', num2str(sigma),'s']);
xlabel('Time(s)'); ylabel('Amplitude');
xf = fftshift(fft(xt));
f = fs*(-n/2:n/2)/(n/2); %Frequency Vector
subplot(2,1,2); plot(f,xf.*conj(xf),'r'); title('Magnitude of FFT');
xlabel('Frequency (Hz)'); ylabel('Magnitude |X(f)|');
3) As a reverse exercise, I defined the frequency spectrum around a given frequency and then estimated the amplitude spectrum. I varied the central frequency f0 and found the width of the pulse doesn't change. Where as in principle the width should have changed if higher frequencies are contributing.
% test for gausssian signal ; Freq --> Time --> Freq
clc; clear all;
fs=1/dt; %sampling frequency
n=200; % provide a even no
f=1/dt*(-n/2+1:n/2-1)/(n/2); %time base
f0=800 ; % properties of source: position
sigma=20; % properties of source: width
variance = sigma^2;
figure(1); subplot(3,1,1); plot(f,xf,'b');
title(['Gaussian Pulse \sigma=', num2str(sigma),'s']);
xlabel('Freq'); ylabel('Amplitude');
subplot(3,1,2); plot(t,xt.*conj(xt),'b');
xlabel('Time(s)'); ylabel('Amplitude');
subplot(3,1,3); plot(f,xtf.*conj(xtf),'b');
xlabel('Freq'); ylabel('Amplitude')