I have fitted a lmer model, and now I am trying to interpret the coefficients in terms of the real coefficients instead of scaled ones.
My top model is:
lmer(logcptplus1~scale.t6+scale.logdepth+(1|location) + (1|Fyear),data=cpt, REML=TRUE)
so both the predictor variables are scaled, with one being the scaled log values. my response variable is not scaled and just logged.
to scale my predictor variables, I used the scale(data$column, center=TRUE,scale=TRUE) function in r.
The output for my model is: Fixed effects:
Estimate Std. Error t value
(int) 3.31363 0.15163 21.853
scale.t6 -0.34400 0.10540 -3.264
scale.logdepth -0.58199 0.06486 -8.973
so how can I obtain real estimates for my response variable from these coefficients that are scaled based on my scaled predictor variables?
NOTE: I understand how to unscale my predictor variables, just not how to unscale/transform the coefficients