I was doing some experiments with lists vs vectors, and I noticed that the Microsoft implementation of std::vector is doing the following for .insert:
iterator insert(const_iterator _Where, _Ty&& _Val)
{ // insert by moving _Val at _Where
return (emplace(_Where, _STD move(_Val)));
iterator emplace(const_iterator _Where \
{ /* insert by moving _Val at _Where */ \
size_type _Off = _VIPTR(_Where) - this->_Myfirst; \
emplace_back(LIST(_FORWARD_ARG)); \
_STD rotate(begin() + _Off, end() - 1, end()); \
return (begin() + _Off); \
I could not figure out what rotate does in vs2012, but in 2015 does this:
template<class _RanIt> inline
_RanIt _Rotate(_RanIt _First, _RanIt _Mid, _RanIt _Last,
{ // rotate [_First, _Last), random-access iterators
_STD reverse(_First, _Mid);
_STD reverse(_Mid, _Last);
_STD reverse(_First, _Last);
return (_First + (_Last - _Mid));
template<class _BidIt> inline
void _Reverse(_BidIt _First, _BidIt _Last, bidirectional_iterator_tag)
{ // reverse elements in [_First, _Last), bidirectional iterators
for (; _First != _Last && _First != --_Last; ++_First)
_STD iter_swap(_First, _Last);
This is not an optimal way to traverse memory if we think about our cache.
I did some benchmarks, where I held the element in a temporary and used that to swap elements and it was faster: This was it:
push_back(value); //My vector doesn't have resize/grow implemented
T tmp = *(end() - 1);
while(new_location != end())
std::swap(tmp, *new_location);
The full code and tests are here.
First question:
Why does it do that rotate instead of the second version of insert that I presented here?
The second version is a more cache-friendly alternative compared with the first one. For large vectors swapping with the last element in the vector introduces a time penalty due to the cache.
Is it in order to avoid storing another temporary?
Second question:
Why doesn't it just memmove the elements one position to the right?
Is there a standard requirement that forces you to swap elements instead of calling memmove? It's interesting that for POD there is not a special template specialization that just memmoves stuff around. In any case I am more interested in why rotate and not a more cache friendly alternative is used.
In my tests this is even faster than the previous two versions.
Tests are done like this:
0) for i = 0 to count
1) Pick a random position in a vector
2) Touch each element from 0 to that position (force a read on it)
3) Call insert after we reach the position
Compiled with Visual Studio 2012 x86, /O2.
For count = 100 000, element size = 4 bytes:
std::vector: 7.5 seconds
std::list: 19.6 seconds
MyVector: 3.2 seconds
MyVector using memmove: 2.1 seconds
For count = 200 000, element size = 4 bytes:
std::vector: 30.3 seconds
std::list: 45.5 seconds
MyVector: 13.1 seconds
MyVector using memmove: 8.7 seconds
For count = 20 000, element size = 128 bytes:
std::vector: 5.36 seconds
std::list: 1.37 seconds
MyVector: 5.12 seconds
MyVector (memmove) 1.68 seconds
I know this is not a real life thing that you would do, these were some experiments that I did in order to show that cache matters, and I accidentally discovered the way that std vector insert works.
Also I know MyVector is a bad implementation of a vector. I just quickly wrote it in order to test my assumptions for insert. I just want to discuss the insert() implementation, not Vector class design :).
Thanks for reading this
objects that are not of POD type – bolovconio.h
, and b) include all the headers it needs (e.g. formemset
)? – Kerrek SB