I'm trying to figure out how to optimize a cypher query on a very large dataset. I'm trying to find 2nd or 3rd degree friends in the same city. My current cypher query is, which takes over 1 minute to run:
match (n:User {id: 123})-[:LIVES_IN]->()<-[:LIVES_IN]-(u:User), (n)-[:FRIENDS_WITH*2..3]-(u) WHERE u.age >= 20 AND u.age <= 36 return u limit 100
There are approximately 500K User nodes and 500M FRIENDS_WITH relationships. I already have indexes on the id and age properties. The query seems to be choking on the FRIENDS_WITH requirement. Is there any way to think about this in a different way or optimize the cypher to make it real-time (i.e., max time 1-2 seconds)?
Here's the profile of the query: