
I'm trying to find out why my cypher query is running so slow (2-5 seconds for only 5000 nodes). The query is trying to find all the jobs the a profile can reach inside his network (a job the his friends or his friends of friends work in the same company)

This is the query :

Start current_profile= node:node_auto_index(neoid_unique_id = "Profile:1")
 Match current_profile-[r:friendships*0..2]->friends-[:roles]->company-[:positions]->jobs
 return distinct company.fmj_id

I tried trimming down the query to see what I'm doing wrong and even this simple query takes too long:

START root=node(0)
Match root-[:job_subref]->j-[:jobs]->jobss
return jobss

Am I doing anything wrong?

I'm using neoid that is based on neography gem

Can you maybe share your graph somewhere?Luanne
Otherwise zip your database directory and upload it somewhere?Luanne
Maybe, that would help you (in my case I gained much speed-up with this trick): split your match statement by using with statement, i.e., first match current_profile-->friends, then friends-->company and finally company-->jobs within single cypher query.npobedina
is the slowness upon first call (after starting up neo4j) or after a subsequent call? Remember Neo4j benefits a lot from warmed up caches.Stefan Armbruster

1 Answers


What about trying this query

Start current_profile= node:node_auto_index(neoid_unique_id = "Profile:1")
Match current_profile-[r:friendships*0..2]->friends
WITH friends
RETURN company.fmj_id