I want to create a logical range based on the location of where the program finds the string.
What I am attempting:
This sample workbook will have a column of dates and a column of statuses per sheet. Each sheet will also have another column to the right of the "status" column that simply outputs the word "Current" for that date. (If this is redundant and you would rather search for the current date in that first column that shows all the dates, feel free to ignore this. I only put it in to make it simple for me.)
This program needs to search in the column to the right of the status column for the string "current" and copy and paste that "status" cells value adjacent to it (or just locate the address via the rows date and run the sub for that specific row's "Status" cell if you wanted to ignore the "current" string thing). The Sample will not have the actual formulas in the status cells and only the values I put in for reference but it is the same principle.
Sub Ruby()
If Sheets("ALPHA").Range("T2:T5000").Value = "Current" Then
Call copy
End If
If Sheets("BRAVO").Range("T2:T5000").Value = "Current" Then
Call copy
End If
If Sheets("CHARLIE").Range("T2:T5000").Value = "Current" Then
Call copy
End If
End Sub
Sub copy()
' copy Macro
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _
:=False, Transpose:=False
End Sub