
So I have 2 sheets on Excel, Calculator and Results Sheets.

On the calculator sheet, Cell A1 has the current date. On the results sheet, Cells A2:Infinity have dates increasing by day.

I am trying to write a program where IF Cells A1 from Calculator sheet are equal to cells A2:Infinity from the Results Sheet, it will copy paste the data cells range C2:C7 from the calculator sheet to the matched date on the results sheet as Transposed Values to the cell range (B:G)

VLOOKUP wont work as the previous data would be gone because of a change of dates.

Results Sheet

Calculator Sheet

Any help would be appreciated!

Hi Toby pls post code what you are tried...Techie

1 Answers


you can try this code:

Option Explicit

Sub main()
    Dim f As Range, calculatorData As Range
    Dim dateStrng As String

    With Worksheets("Calculator") '<--| reference "Calculator" worksheet
        Set calculatorData = .Range("C2:C7") '<--| set its range with data to be copied
        dateStrng = .Range("A1").value '<-- retrieve the date to be searched
    End With

    With Worksheets("Results") '<--| reference "Results" worksheet
        Set f = .Range("A2", .Range("A2").End(xlDown)).Find(what:=dateStrng, LookIn:=xlValues, lookat:=xlWhole, MatchCase:=False) '<-- look for searched data in its column "A" cells from row 2 down to last contiguous non empty cell
    End With

    If Not f Is Nothing Then f.Offset(, 1).Resize(, 6).value = Application.Transpose(calculatorData.value) '<--| if date is found then copy relevant values from "Calculator" next to it
End Sub


should those dates in excel worksheets be not String values but actual Date ones, then just change:

dateStrng = .Range("A1").value '<-- retrieve the date to be searched


dateStrng = WorksheetFunction.Text(.Range("A1").value, "[$-409]mmmm,dd-yyyy;@") '<-- retrieve the date to be searched in the proper language (e.g.: 409 = English)

you can find all language codes here