I have a data.frame with x values which I would like to count depending of two factors: the first one is the value of x, the second one depends on a factor. Here's a sample
A<-data.frame(x=rnorm(n = 100,mean = 5,sd=1))
I need a frequency value for the x within a certain interval but with an extra condition.
Count for Letter = A (0,3) x values and for letter = B (6,9) values
Count for both Letters (3,6) as one
Count the reverse of the first condition
Output could be a new data.frame
To make it clear
(0,3] 2 1
(3,6] 32 49
(6,9] 9 7
In this case, first sum should be 2+7, second sum should be 1+9 and third sum should be 32+49