
Here, i have a parametric equation.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D

t = np.linspace(0,2*np.pi, 40)

# Position Equation
def rx(t):
    return t * np.cos(t)
def ry(t):
    return t * np.sin(t)

# Velocity Vectors
def vx(t):
    return np.cos(t) - t*np.sin(t)
def vy(t):
    return np.sin(t) + t*np.cos(t)

# Acceleration Vectors
def ax(t):
    return -2*np.sin(t) - t*np.cos(t)

def ay(t):
    return 2*np.cos(t) - t*np.sin(t)

fig = plt.figure()
ax1 = fig.gca(projection='3d')

z = t 
ax1.plot(rx(z), ry(z), z)
#ax1.legend() # no labels

So i have this parametric equation that creates this graph.

![enter image description here

I have defined my velocity and acceleration parametric equations above in my code.

What i am wanting to do is to plot the acceleration and velocity vectors in my position graph above at defined points. (Id est, t = pi/2, 3pi/2, 2pi)

Something like this:

Plotting a 3d cube, a sphere and a vector in Matplotlib

but i want to do something more straight forward since i have to define each point t into two equations.

Is such a thing possible? I can only find vector fields and what not.

Something like this. enter image description here

Thank you.

Edit Question

# t = pi/4 

t_val_start_pi4 = np.pi/4
vel_start_pi4 = [rx(t_val_start_pi4), ry(t_val_start_pi4), t_val_start_pi4]

vel_end_pi4 = [rx(t_val_start_pi4 ) + vx(t_val_start_pi4 ), ry(t_val_start_pi4 )+vy(t_val_start_pi4 ), t_val_start_pi4 ]

vel_vecs_pi4 = (t_val_start_pi4 , vel_end_pi4)

vel_arrow_pi4 = Arrow3D(vel_vecs_pi4[0],vel_vecs_pi4[1], vel_vecs_pi4[2], mutation_scale=20, lw=1, arrowstyle="-|>", color="b")


It'll give me an error saying Tuple out of index

The following shows how to draw arrows. Once you calculate the vector tail's location, the vector's length, the vector's direction, and decide on the vector's style, you may use it to draw the vector: matplotlib.org/examples/pylab_examples/arrow_simple_demo.htmlboardrider
so the does the first zero represent the tails location and the next one represents the vectors length? ax.arrow(0, 0, 0.5, 0.5, head_width=0.05, head_length=0.1, fc='k', ec='k')iron2man
@DarthLazar - Please see the documentation for that methodOneCricketeer
@cricket_007. Okay, but how would that work for a 3d plot?iron2man
Could find anything on the official docs, but thank StackOverflow for having an answer for that already stackoverflow.com/questions/11140163/…OneCricketeer

1 Answers


I feel like this is close... Even got the colors to match the sample picture :)

I'm not too experienced with plotting on polar coordinates, though (mostly confused on the third-dimension t coordinate).

Hopefully this will help and you could figure out how to extend it

I took what you had, added the Arrow3D class from this answer, and added a simple for-loop over some sample values from t.

#draw a vector
from matplotlib.patches import FancyArrowPatch
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import proj3d

class Arrow3D(FancyArrowPatch):
    def __init__(self, xs, ys, zs, *args, **kwargs):
        FancyArrowPatch.__init__(self, (0,0), (0,0), *args, **kwargs)
        self._verts3d = xs, ys, zs

    def draw(self, renderer):
        xs3d, ys3d, zs3d = self._verts3d
        xs, ys, zs = proj3d.proj_transform(xs3d, ys3d, zs3d, renderer.M)
        FancyArrowPatch.draw(self, renderer)

axes = fig.gca(projection='3d')

t_step = 8
for t_pos in range(0, len(t)-1, t_step):
    t_val_start = t[t_pos]
#     t_val_end = t[t_pos+1]

    vel_start = [rx(t_val_start), ry(t_val_start), t_val_start]
    vel_end = [rx(t_val_start)+vx(t_val_start), ry(t_val_start)+vy(t_val_start), t_val_start]
    vel_vecs = list(zip(vel_start, vel_end))
    vel_arrow = Arrow3D(vel_vecs[0],vel_vecs[1],vel_vecs[2], mutation_scale=20, lw=1, arrowstyle="-|>", color="g")

    acc_start = [rx(t_val_start), ry(t_val_start), t_val_start]
    acc_end = [rx(t_val_start)+ax(t_val_start), ry(t_val_start)+ay(t_val_start), t_val_start]
    acc_vecs = list(zip(acc_start, acc_end))
    acc_arrow = Arrow3D(acc_vecs[0],acc_vecs[1],acc_vecs[2], mutation_scale=20, lw=1, arrowstyle="-|>", color="m")

axes.plot(rx(t), ry(t), t)
