I am modeling a use case in UML using Visual Paradigm CE but I have a few doubts regarding my model. Take a look to the picture below:
This are the rules I am trying to represent with that model:
- There are 3 user types: Superadmin, Admin and Executive
- There is a functionality called: Admin User
- Admin User is divided in 4 basic actions: Create, Read, Update and Delete
- Superadmin has all the power (can do anything) while Admin only has a few permissions (in this case Create User)
- Executive can only perform a few actions within the system: Create User and Delete User
Taking this as a starting point, the diagram is correct? How would to do? I must say this is a example use case just to get the correct way to represent the relation between diagram elements.
Update: Based on the answer by @thomas-kilian I have made this two diagrams: