
I've recently been learning about UML use case diagrams and I have a few minor questions about this UML case diagram that I have created.

enter image description here

  1. Does view schedule <<extend>> from create schedule?
  2. If yes, then does this work properly by including the Login?
  3. Is it necessary to <<include>> username/password for the login or should I simply have "Login" without username/pass

p.s. I know this is very basic but i'm unsure about whether or not I've got the hang of this.



1 Answers


There are a couple of issues.

  • The <<include>> is meant to include UCs, not objects. Since Vehicles/Drivers/... are not UCs that's wrong.
  • The fact that Create schedule extends View schedule seems odd. To me both are individual and independent UCs.
  • Finally Login is no (business) UC. It is a constraint which is to be applied to View schedule. Attach a <<invariant>> {must be logged on} to the connector to User

Remember: a UC is about added value for an actor. That's what the UC is named after. For that reason Login is no UC (but a constraint). Avoid include/extend since it is a sign of using functional decomposition. UC is about the opposite: synthesizing work steps that belong to a single added value.