I have a Java application that uses Spring's dependency injection. I want to mock out a bean, and verify that it receives certain method calls.
The problem is that Mockito does not reset the mock between tests, so I cannot correctly verify method calls on it.
My unit under test:
public class MyClass {
SomeClientClass client;
public void myMethod() {
The unit test class:
@ContextConfiguration(loader = AnnotationConfigContextLoader.class, classes = UnitTestConfig.class)
public class MyClassTest {
SomeClientClass client;
public void verifySomething() {
// ...
public class UnitTestConfig {
SomeClientClass client() {
return Mockito.mock(SomeClientClass.class);
Though I could hack my way around this problem by manually resetting mocks between tests, I wonder if there's a cleaner / more idiomatic approach.