I have two barcode scaners - MC9090 and MC9190. Initially under the MC9090 has been written application that reads barcodes and work with SQL databases.On the MC9090 everything works fine on the MS9190 - problem - not read the barcode type I2OF5 (length = min - 6, max - 8 respectively). Modify the default values (14 and 10 respectively) with the help of a piece of code (on MC9090):
myReader.Decoders.I2OF5.MinimumLength = 6;
myReader.Decoders.I2OF5.MaximumLength = 8;
With MC9190 I can read I2OF5 barcodes with default parameters(14 and 10 respectively), but I cant read I2OF5 barcodes with lenght min = 6, max = 8.
Tried to send the complete list of parameters like this (already on MC9190):
myReader.Parameters.CodeIdType = CodeIdTypes.None;
myReader.Parameters.ScanType = ScanTypes.Foreground;
myReader.Decoders.I2OF5.MinimumLength = 6;
myReader.Decoders.I2OF5.MaximumLength = 8;
myReader.Decoders.I2OF5.Redundancy = true;
myReader.Decoders.I2OF5.CheckDigitScheme = I2OF5.CheckDigitSchemes.None;
myReader.Decoders.I2OF5.ConvertToEAN13 = false;
myReader.Decoders.I2OF5.ReportCheckDigit = false;
With these parameters, barcodes are read in the demo applications Motorola's great, but not in mine app.
I do check like this:
if (_scnAPI.Reader.Decoders.I2OF5.Enabled == true)
if (_scnAPI.Reader.Decoders.I2OF5.MinimumLength == 6)
if (_scnAPI.Reader.Decoders.I2OF5.MaximumLength == 8)
if (_scnAPI.Reader.Decoders.I2OF5.Redundancy == true)
if (_scnAPI.Reader.Parameters.CodeIdType == Symbol.Barcode.CodeIdTypes.None)
if (_scnAPI.Reader.Decoders.I2OF5.CheckDigitScheme == Symbol.Barcode.I2OF5.CheckDigitSchemes.None)
if (_scnAPI.Reader.Parameters.ScanType == Symbol.Barcode.ScanTypes.Foreground)
MessageBox.Show("App Exit!");
All checks are passed, but it is not clear why there is no reading I2OF5 barcodes with the right length to me? Please help me figure out what the problem is.
P.S. I use the library Symbol.Barcode, Motorola EMDK 2.4 for .NET. I looked specification of EMDK 2.4 version is compatible with the 9100- series.