I'm developing an application using the EMDK v2.4 from Symbol. I'm trying to read a PDF417 barcode using the camera imager on the MC75. It is returning a readerData.Length of 234 characters but only the first 20 are readable via the readerData.Text property. When I use dataWedge, the PDF417 is decoded and shown properly. In dataWedge, using notes to view the result, it takes 3-4 seconds to decode the entire barcode. When I view the read_notify event in my test app, it is getting called in less than 1 second from when the scan completes. I assume this is why the barcode text is only the first 20 characters? Does anyone have any insight on how I can set the either set the device to not call read_notify until the decoding has completed, or offer advice on how I can get all of the decoded text.
Thank you!