Below is my Google Combo Chart code and it works fine. I have also attached the output as an image. My New requirement is in the second image
i.e I want the confidence line bubbles should display their respective values, now it shows only on hover. I have tried the annotation property of the Chart but it works only for the bar columns, I want to work it in the above line i.e Confidence lines. Please reply
var data3 = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable([['Staff','Understanding','Confidence','Hurdle'],
['Customer Planning',40,95,80],
['Passionate Selling',63,93,80],
['Negotiating Revenue & Profit Growth',60,92,80],
['Category & Shopper Execution',60,90,80],
['Value Chain Integration',76,98,80]]);
var options = {title:"Staff Details",
width:'100%', height:600,seriesType: "bars",series:{1: {type: "line",pointSize: 6},2: {type: "line",pointSize: 6}},
vAxis: {title: "", 'minValue': 0, 'maxValue': 100},
colors: ['#259edd', '#ffc000', '#ff0000'],
hAxis: {title: "Competency",'minValue': 0, 'maxValue': 100, slantedText: true, slantedTextAngle:60 },
chartArea: {height: '60%',top:10}
var chart = new google.visualization.ComboChart(bar_chart_div);
chart.draw(data3, options);