
I have 2 entities. I would like to delete row of Service.

I tried:

$em = $this->getDoctrine()->getEntityManager();

$service = $em->getRepository('AppBundle:Service')->find(1);



On this way it deleted all of the row, which containing this category id. Sry for my bad English. Let me explain you on the other way:

           BEFORE                     AFTER delete id 1 from service
+----+------+  +----+------+-----+  +----+------+  +----+------+-----+
+ id + ca_  +  + id + se_  + ca_ +  + id + ca_  +  + id + se_  + ca_ +
+    + name +  +    + name + id  +  +    + name +  +    + name + id  +
+----+------+  +----+------+-----+  +----+------+  +----+------+-----+
+ 1  + A    +  + 1  + A1   + 1   +  +    +      +  +    +      +     +
+----+------+  +----+------+-----+  +----+------+  +----+------+-----+
+ 2  + B    +  + 2  + A2   + 1   +  + 2  + B    +  +    +      +     +
+----+------+  +----+------+-----+  +----+------+  +----+------+-----+
+ 3  + C    +  + 3  + B1   + 2   +  + 3  + C    +  + 3  + B1   + 2   +
+----+------+  +----+------+-----+  +----+------+  +----+------+-----+

How can I fixed that?

Service entity:

* Service
* @ORM\Table(name="service")
* @ORM\Entity(repositoryClass="AppBundle\Repository\ServiceRepository")
class Service {

 * @ORM\ManyToOne(targetEntity="Category", inversedBy="services", cascade={"persist","remove"})
 * @ORM\JoinColumn(onDelete="CASCADE")
 private $caId;

 * Set caId
 * @param \AppBundle\Entity\Category $caId
 * @return Service
 public function setCaId(\AppBundle\Entity\Category $caId = null)
     $this->caId = $caId;
     return $this;

 * Get caId
 * @return \AppBundle\Entity\Category
 public function getCaId()
     return $this->caId;

Category entity:

* Category
* @ORM\Table(name="category")
* @ORM\Entity(repositoryClass="AppBundle\Repository\CategoryRepository")
class Category {

 * @ORM\OneToMany(
 *   targetEntity="Service",
 *   mappedBy="caId"
 * )
 private $services;

 * Constructor
 public function __construct()
   $this->services = new ArrayCollection();

 * Get orders
 * @return Collection
 public function getServices()
   return $this->services;

Which category was assigned to the deleted service? And the second service entity was deleted to? Which category did it belong to?xabbuh
I just updated my table. Check it, please. The second service was deleted to.Trung Vu
perhaps wrong mapping of ID entitydarkomen

1 Answers


I see two issues with how your mapping is configured:

  1. In your Service entity, you have configured to cascade removal operations. This means that when a Service object is deleted, the Category entity it was associated with will be deleted too.

  2. The second crucial part in your mapping is the @ORM\JoinColumn(onDelete="CASCADE"). On the database level this has the effect that when an entry from the category table is removed (which happens because of 1), every record in the service table that refers to the deleted category, will be deleted to (that's why the second service gets lost).

From looking at your model I assume that changing cascade={"persist", "remove"} in your Service entity to only cascade={"persist"} will be enough (maybe you even do not need to cascade persist operations).