I've prepared a tar.gz which once uncompressed and after running ./bin/vendors install fails to load the fixtures through php scripts/createAll.php
. In the tar.gz there are 2 bundles using 2 different connections everyone with its own database.
I think Symfony2 fails to manage them properly. If you take a look at scripts/createAll.php will see how symfony fails to load both fixtures, but if you remove a random fixture (it doesn't matter Var_.php or Foo_.php everything runs fine, which seems to me that symfony is failing to manage entities correctly.)
LINK: http://www.2shared.com/file/2u4GhFVX/SymfonyTestCasetar.html
i want to tell Symfony2
to use different entity managers
for different Bundle
so my config.yml looks like:
auto_generate_proxy_classes: %kernel.debug%
default_entity_manager: default
connection: default
myVendorURLCoreBundle: ~
myVendormyBundleBundle: ~
prefix: "myVendor\myBundleFooBundle\Entity"
type: annotation
is_bundle: true
dir: "/Entity"
connection: formacions
prefix: "myVendor\myBundleFooBarBundle\View"
type: annotation
is_bundle: false
dir: "%kernel.root_dir%/../src/myVendor/myBundleFooBarBundle/View"
The problem is when using relationships between the entities in the different directories i get the following error caused by vendor/doctrine/lib/Doctrine/ORM/Mapping/MappingException.php at line 142
Class FRJPC\SalleUrlFormacionsBundle\Entity\EspecialitatContingut is not a valid entity or mapped super class
The probem is that sometimes "\" before the vendor name breaks the namespace. It's really strange.
Here is how i i link entities between each other:
namespace myVendor\myBundleFooBundle\Entity; use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM; /** * @ORM\Entity( repositoryClass="myVendor\myBundleFooBundle\Repository\ARepository" ) * @ORM\ChangeTrackingPolicy( "DEFERRED_EXPLICIT" ) * @ORM\Table( name="a" ) */ class A { /** * @ORM\Id * @ORM\Column( type="integer", length="4" ) * @ORM\GeneratedValue( strategy="AUTO" ) */ private $id; /** * @ORM\ManyToOne( targetEntity="\myVendor\myBundleFooBarBundle\Entity\B", inversedBy="a", cascade={"persist"} ) * @ORM\JoinColumn( name="FooBar", nullable=true, referencedColumnName="FooBar", onDelete="CASCADE" ) */ private $fooBar; }
Second entity:
namespace myVendor\myBundleFooBarBundle\Entity; use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM; /** * @ORM\Entity( repositoryClass="myVendor\myBundleFooBarBundle\Repository\ARepository" ) * @ORM\ChangeTrackingPolicy( "DEFERRED_EXPLICIT" ) * @ORM\Table( name="a" ) */ class B { /** * @ORM\Id * @ORM\Column( type="integer", length="4" ) * @ORM\GeneratedValue( strategy="AUTO" ) */ private $id; /** @ORM\OneToMany( targetEntity="\myVendor\myBundleFooBundle\Entity\EspecialitatContingut", mappedBy="fooBar" ) */ private $a; }
Does any one has a clue on how should i link each entity ?
PD: Both entities work like charm when they're in the same bundle and same directory.