I try to do a blog using the trio jekyll, rmarkdown and github (as here: http://yihui.name/knitr-jekyll/)
I have all my .Rmd in _source, and I have this issue that sometimes the plots are knit in base 64 images and sometimes saved in a figure folder.
First question, why?
Second question: when my plot are saved as images, the path in the html appear to be figure/source/. Knowing that the destination folder is /blog/ (my baseurl in _config.yml), to make it work, it should be blog/figure/source.
Strangely, they are displayed locally and when I open the html with my browser. But when I deploy my website on github, the images aren't displayed, as the path is incorrect.
How to define the path to /blog/figure instead of /figure/ ?
Edit: the link to my blog, still in development: http://yvescr.github.io/
But the Rmd don't appear in the github account, as the folder I synchronised with github is the destination file of the jekyll generation.
# Build settings
markdown: kramdown
baseurl: "/blog"
In R:
jekyll(dir = ".", input = "_source", output = "_posts", script = c("Makefile", "build.R")
, command = "jekyll build --destination ../blog")
# fall back on '/' if baseurl is not specified
baseurl = servr:::jekyll_config('.', 'baseurl', '/')
knitr::opts_knit$set(base.url = baseurl)
# fall back on 'kramdown' if markdown engine is not specified
markdown = servr:::jekyll_config('.', 'markdown', 'kramdown')
# see if we need to use the Jekyll render in knitr
if (markdown == 'kramdown') {
} else knitr::render_markdown()
# input/output filenames are passed as two additional arguments to Rscript
a = commandArgs(TRUE)
d = gsub('^_|[.][a-zA-Z]+$', '', a[1])
fig.path = sprintf('blog/figure/%s/', d),
cache.path = sprintf('cache/%s/', d)
knitr::opts_knit$set(width = 70)
knitr::knit(a[1], a[2], quiet = TRUE, encoding = 'UTF-8', envir = .GlobalEnv)
Rscript -e "servr::jekyll('..')"
rm -r ../blog/
file? It's not in your GitHub repo and I don't think issue can be solved without it. Also, the exact command that you use to generate your website would be appreciated. – Mirek DługoszMakefile
is) somewhere? Maybe as new branch of git project? You can delete it once this problem is solved. At the moment the only tip I have is to check_posts
directory for file that will become2015/07/Voronoi_station.html
. If image path is wrong in this file, thenservr
is at fault. If image path is correct there, then problem is related to howjekyll
processes files. – Mirek Długoszjekyll-now
repo: jangorecki.github.io/blog/2014-11-05/Hello-World.html it won't be supported starting from May 2016 as github is dropping redcarpet support, but will still work locally and on other git pages which supports custom jekyll setup. – jangorecki