I have a little more complex question. I recently forked http://vis.supstat.com/ in order to set up a personal blog, which serves as a personal library with examples in R. In addition the blog is also a experiment to figure out the most efficient way to post from R mardown files locally created in RStudio to blog articles on a jekyll blog run on Github pages.
After I forked vistat on Github I changed the jekyll theme to hooligan (see https://github.com/dhulihan/hooligan) using
rake theme:install git="https://github.com/dhulihan/hooligan.git"
which worked out well, except the circumstance that all the animations were not shown anymore.
Let's get more precise:
The article on my blog about brownian motion (see http://magnusmetz.github.io/2012/11/brownian-motion-with-r/) is based on exactly the same *.Rmd file as the one on vistat (see http://vis.supstat.com/2012/11/brownian-motion-with-r/). In the version on my blog you will realize the animated graphic in the article is missing. Also the LaTeX expressions are shown incorrectly. If you compare the two source files on Github (see https://github.com/magnusmetz/magnusmetz.github.io/blob/master/_source/2012-11-06-brownian-motion-with-r.Rmd for my blog and https://github.com/supstat/vistat/blob/gh-pages/_source/2012-11-06-brownian-motion-with-r.Rmd for vistat) you will see that they are exactly the same. In both blogs the *.Rmd files have to be compiled using the script you can find in _bin/knit
of each of the two blogs. The result is a markdown files, which is stored in _posts/
by the execution of the script with
./_bin/knit yyyy-mm-dd-name-of-the-script.Rmd
through the terminal.
My question now is, why are the animations not shown at all in my blog and why are the LaTeX expressions shown incorrectly?
I already filed an issue to vistat (see https://github.com/supstat/vistat/issues/13) but with no results so far.
It really would be great, if somebody could help me to answer this question. Please don't hesitate to ask, if you need further information.
Thank you very much in advance for your answers.