Hello I have installed jbusinessdirectory component for joomla, and I have module named mod_jbusinessdirectory (this is a search module for business listing) in tmpl/default.php file I have select code: (see below)
<?php if($params->get('showCategories')){ ?>
<div class="select">
<div class="categoryic"></div>
<select name="categorySearch" class="select-styled" id="categories">
<option value="0">category</option>
<?php foreach($categories as $category){?>
<option value="<?php echo $category->id?>" <?php echo $session->get('categorySearch')==$category->id && $preserve?" selected ":"" ?> ><?php echo $category->name?></option>
<?php if(!empty($category->subcategories)){?>
<?php foreach($category->subcategories as $subCat){?>
<option value="<?php echo $subCat->id?>" <?php echo $session->get('categorySearch')==$subCat->id && $preserve?" selected ":"" ?> >-- <?php echo $subCat->name?></option>
<?php }?>
<?php }?>
<?php }?>
<?php }?>
From this code I get categories and subcategories like this:
- Main category 1
subcategory 1 subcategory 2 subcategory 3
Main category 2
- subcategory 1 subcategory 2 subcategory 3
screenshot here: categories and sub categories screenshot
In helper.php I have functions that get categories and subcategories from database
static function getMainCategories(){
$db = JFactory::getDBO();
$query = ' SELECT * FROM #__jbusinessdirectory_categories where parent_id=1 and published=1 order by name';
return $db->loadObjectList();
static function getSubCategories(){
$db = JFactory::getDBO();
$query = ' SELECT c.* FROM #__jbusinessdirectory_categories c
inner join #__jbusinessdirectory_categories cc on c.parent_id = cc.id where c.parent_id!=1 and cc.parent_id = 1 and c.published=1
order by c.name';
$result = $db->loadObjectList();
return $result;
And lastly in modjbusinesdirectory.php file I have the PHP like this:
$categories = modJBusinessDirectoryHelper::getMainCategories();
$subCategories = modJBusinessDirectoryHelper::getSubCategories();
foreach($categories as $category){
foreach($subCategories as $subCat){
if($category->id == $subCat->parent_id){
$category->subcategories = array();
$category->subcategories[] = $subCat;
categories and subcategories table structure screenshot here
My question is: How do I make Two select queries instead of one. Where in the first query I get the main categories and in the second query I get the subcategories (eg: if I choose from the first query the main category books and in the second query I choose children it has to show only books with the subcategory children books).
SELECT the columns you need FROM tablename WHERE MainCategoryColumn = $MainCategoryVariable AND SubcategoryColumn = $inputVariable
– BRoebieparent_id
stores the id of the main category – BRoebie