My Environment:
- OS X 10.10.5
- Eclipse Mars.1 (4.5.1)
- GoClipse 0.13.0
- go version go1.5.2 darwin/amd64
My GoClipse Settings:
- Eclipse workspace: /Users/ray/go_workspace
- Go Installation
- GOROOT: /usr/local/go
- gofmt: /usr/local/go/bin/gofmt
- godoc: /usr/local/go/bin/godoc
- GOPATH: [x] Same as GOPATH env variable (which is /Users/ray/go)
- Tools
- Go oracle path: /Users/ray/go/bin/oracle
- [x] Start gocode server automatically
- [x] Enable gocode log console
- gocode path: /Users/ray/go/bin/gocode
When I create a new Go project using default settings, the project folder is put under the eclipse workspace: /Users/ray/go_workspace/project with the bin, pkg, and src folders as subfolders.
What I want to do is create a new Go project and have it use:
- /Users/ray/go/src/github/user/project for the source directory
- /Users/ray/go/pkg/darwin_amd64/github/user/project for the package directory
- /Users/ray/go/bin for the binary directory
- /Users/ray/go_workspace/user/project for any Eclipse/GoClipse settings
How do I configure Eclipse/GoClipse/Project settings to get this to work?