I have been trying to use GoClipse (0.8.1v2001409161333 - latest available from the goclipse_feature.feature.group) with Eclipse (4.4.2) on Linux (CentOS6.6) with GO (1.4.2-2.el6) installed via yum from EPEL and have only achieved partial functionality.
Intellisense appears to work fine for the built in packages but GoClipse appears to do something weird with it's directory structure that is different from the normal GO workspace layout. The existing structure under source control looks like:
When I try and use GoClipse it always appears to insist that the *.go files must be a peer of the bin|pkg|src directories. This means that I either have my *.go files at $GOPATH or tell GoClipse where main.go is ($GOPATH/src/me/module/main.go) and GoClipse creates the bin|pkg|src directories again:
My GoClipse configuration has $GOPATH set appropriately (I have tried with $GOROOT undefined or set to the yum install location to no effect) and when creating the Go project from existing code specifying the location as $GOPATH/src/me/module/ (manually expanding $GOPATH)
Some resources that I have located do not appear to offer any advice on getting GoClipse to respect the proper go workspace structure and I am hoping someone can tell me how to do this.
The following resources might be of interest but they do not solve this difficulty:
How to run a GO project in eclipse with goclipse installed