
my qgraphicsscene is having qgraphicswidget which constantly adding qgraphicsLayoutItem. in graphicsView i need to get the qgraphicswidget geometry in scene coordinated. i tried QList items = scene()->items(); and check its with type

foreach (QGraphicsItem *item, items) { if(item->type() == ItemType) { }

but how to convert item to qgraphicswidget and change its gemoetry to scene coordinates. normal item.boundingRect returns constantly 0,0, 10x10


1 Answers


The bounding rect of the item is in item coordinates. To map it to scene coordinates, use QGraphicsItem::mapToScene():

const QRectF mapped = item->mapToScene(item->boundingRect());

To cast a QGraphicsItem, you can simply use dynamic_cast or static_cast, or the special qgraphicsitem_cast:

auto widget = qgraphicsitem_cast<QGraphicsWidget*>(item);

To map the coordinates, casting shouldn’t be necessary though.