This is a rather strange situation here. I have a class which derived from QGraphicsScene
class DrawingScene : public QGraphicsScene
Whenever I add any item within the derived class, the item ended up attaching to a parent of 0x0. The thing is that despite that, the graphics item appearing within the scene as normal, and can be interacted with. For instance, this snippet of code:
QGraphicsEllipseItem * newEllipse = addEllipse(rect, pen);
qDebug() << "Scene info " << this
qDebug() << "New point added = " << newEllipse;
Here are some depug output
Scene info DrawingScene(0x1d2ffb8)
New point added = QGraphicsItem(this = 0x3f0fda0 , parent = 0x0 , pos = QPointF(326, 307), z =100, flags = {"isVisible|isEnabled" })
And whenever I try to delete the item, I get a warning that the scene is different, but the item is gone nonetheless.
Am I missing something, or is QGraphicsScene not meant to be derived from in the first place?
Edit: Code for deletion
The QGraphicsItems, are added to QMap for fast mapping purpose and to disable a group of them at a go. So this is how the item is added to the scene (as above) and the Map
int SceneTrackerData::addLink(QGraphicsLineItem * newLink)
links_.insert(currentLinkID_, newLink);
qDebug() << links_;
// Store the ID of the newly added link and increment link count
int thisLinkID = currentLinkID_;
newLink->setData(LinkData::LinkID, QVariant(thisLinkID));
qDebug() << "Link " << thisLinkID << " connecting " << newLink->data(0).toInt()
<< " and " << newLink->data(1).toInt() << " added.";
return thisLinkID;
Here's the deletion:
SceneManager contains an instance of DrawingScene, which inherits QGraphicsScene
void SceneManager::DeleteLink(int linkID, int startNodeID, int endNodeID)
// sceneData_ wraps the QMap<int, QGraphicsItem>.
// This calls SceneTrackerData::deleteLink(int) (below)
QGraphicsLineItem * link = sceneData_->deleteLink(linkID);
qDebug() << "Link to remove " << link;
// scene_ is an instance of DrawingScene, which inherits QGraphicsItem, so
// this is just a vanila call to QGraphicsScene::removeItem()
// release the link from memory
delete link;
emit informLinkDeleted(startNodeID, endNodeID);
QGraphicsLineItem* SceneTrackerData::deleteLink(int linkid)
qDebug() << "deleting link of id " << linkid;
QGraphicsLineItem * line = links_.take(linkid);
qDebug() << links_;
return line;
The warning is
QGraphicsScene::removeItem: item 0x32fa7d8's scene (0x0) is different from this scene (0x1aabb60)
More edits
After adding some lines and ellipse items, this is how the scene->items() looks like after adding the objects. They all have parent = 0x0
(QGraphicsItem(this =0x3b980a8, parent =0x0, pos =QPointF(0, 0),
z =-1, flags = {"isVisible|isEnabled" }),
QGraphicsItem(this =0x3c32980, parent =0x0, pos =QPointF(326, 303),
z =100, flags = {"isVisible|isEnabled" }),
QGraphicsItem(this =0x3b9a1e0, parent =0x0, pos =QPointF(420, 410),
z =100, flags = {"isVisible|isEnabled" }),
QGraphicsItem(this =0x3f0ffc0, parent =0x0, pos =QPointF(411, 395),
z =100, flags = {"isVisible|isEnabled" }),
QGraphicsItem(this =0x3cf4600, parent =0x0, pos =QPointF(327, 302),
z =0, flags = {"isVisible|isEnabled" }))
What I am trying to delete is QGraphicsItem(this =0x3cf4600), and here's the outcome:
Link to remove QGraphicsItem(this = 0x3cf4600 , parent = 0x0 , pos = QPointF(327,
302), z =0, flags = {"isVisible|isEnabled" })
Before removing:
QGraphicsScene::removeItem: item 0x3cf4600's scene (0x0) is different from this scene
Scene after moving
(QGraphicsItem(this =0x3b980a8, parent =0x0, pos =QPointF(0, 0),
z =-1, flags = {"isVisible|isEnabled" }),
QGraphicsItem(this =0x3c32980, parent =0x0, pos =QPointF(326, 303),
z =100, flags = {"isVisible|isEnabled" }),
QGraphicsItem(this =0x3b9a1e0, parent =0x0, pos =QPointF(420, 410),
z =100, flags = {"isVisible|isEnabled" }),
QGraphicsItem(this =0x3f0ffc0, parent =0x0, pos =QPointF(411, 395),
z =100, flags = {"isVisible|isEnabled" }))
The behaviour is correct. I am puzzled why the warning is evening triggered at all.
The program has unexpectedly finished.
– rbaleksandar