Im assuming that you know how to get the name attribute of the textbox under the attribute5 column using Inspect element
feature of your browser. It's something like "f01","f02" or maybe higher, just check it out.
Another assumption(based on your given data) is that row 5 contains the total of rows 1 to 4 and row 7 contains the total of rows 5 and 6.
Once you got the name, paste this function on your page's "Function and Global Variable Declaration" property:
function setTotals(itemname){
var v_subtotal=0;
var v_total=0;
v_subtotal = Number(v_subtotal) + Number(document.getElementsByName(itemname)[i].value);
v_total = Number(v_subtotal) + Number(document.getElementsByName(itemname)[5].value);
document.getElementsByName(itemname)[4].value = v_subtotal;
document.getElementsByName(itemname)[6].value = v_total;
function setOnChangeEvent(itemname){
document.getElementsByName(itemname)[i].setAttribute("onchange","setTotals(\"" + itemname + "\")");
$("[name=" + itemname + "]").eq(5).change(function(){
$("[name=" + itemname + "]").eq(6).val(Number($("[name=" + itemname + "]").eq(4).val()) + Number($("[name=" + itemname + "]").eq(5).val()));
$("[name=" + itemname + "]").eq(4).attr("disabled","disabled");
$("[name=" + itemname + "]").eq(6).attr("disabled","disabled");
Then in the "Execute when Page Loads" property of your page, enter the following line of code:
setTotals(itemname );
setOnChangeEvent(itemname );
An example is
Here's a brief explanation of the code:
The function "setTotals" does the following:
It sets the value of the subtotal box from the sum of the 1st to 4th textbox under the name you provided in the parameter which s "f02".
It also sets the value of the Total box from the sum of the 6th textbox and the value computed for the subtotal textbox.
The function "setOnChangeEvent" does the following:
It sets the onchange event of boxes 1 to 4 to setTotals("f02") so if you're going to inspect one of the boxes mentioned above, it now looks like this:
<input onchange="setTotals('f02')" name="f02" size="20" maxlength="2000" value="5" type="text">
It also sets the change event of the 6th box.(What happens on its change event is self explanatory I think, just look at the code)
The last part of this function disables the 4th and 7th textboxes.
table with data? – WhiteHat