I am using Oracle APEX 4.2. I want to implement a search function in my classic report. I have a working code that retrieve data and the search function works perfectly. But when I want to use an order by clause inside that code I get "no data found" how can I implement an order by clause into this code so my report will be sorted correctly and the search function will still work correctly.
Here is the working code below that allows you to search the classic report:
a_query varchar2(5000);
this_strin varchar2(50);
a_query := 'select flight_nmbr, sequence_nmbr'||
'from flights '||
'where sequence_nmbr >= 0'||
'and data_version_name = '''||
:P3_DATA_VERSION || '''';
if :P3_SEARCH_NUMBER is not null then
if instr(:P3_SEARCH_NUMBER, '%') > 0 then
this_strin := :P3_SEARCH_NUMBER;
this_strin := '%'||:P3_SEARCH_NUMBER||'%';
end if;
a_query := a_query||chr(10)||
' and flight_nmbr like '''|| upper(this_strin) ||'''';
end if;
return a_query;
Here is same piece of code that does says "no data found" when I add the order by clause to the query:
a_query varchar2(5000);
this_strin varchar2(50);
a_query := 'select flight_nmbr, sequence_nmbr'||
'from flights '||
'where sequence_nmbr >= 0'||
'and data_version_name = '''||
'order by sequence_nmbr 1'|| ------------------Order by clause
:P3_DATA_VERSION || '''';
if :P3_SEARCH_NUMBER is not null then
if instr(:P3_SEARCH_NUMBER, '%') > 0 then
this_strin := :P3_SEARCH_NUMBER;
this_strin := '%'||:P3_SEARCH_NUMBER||'%';
end if;
a_query := a_query||chr(10)||
' and flight_nmbr like '''|| upper(this_strin) ||'''';
end if;
return a_query;
if you use APEX 4.2. It is confusing. – Dmitriy