
How to bind scatter series points from one window to another window having same scatter chart at runtime?

I have a resulted scatter chart points in one window, and I want to perform different operation on the same points in another window.

thanks in advance

Add some code to the question. It will be really difficult for people to help with this otherwise.William
Why can't you bind the datasource of the two scatter charts to the same result set?ChrisF
I am sorry, I forgot to mention that data source is loaded from a .csv file. Scatter chart is resulted after Multi-Dimensional Scaling (MDS) algorithm, where we can see data points of one cluster close to each other. I want to achieve same cluster representation by applying k-means on MDS chart. MDS viewmodel/class fills the chart initially from csv file, before generating clusters. How can I get the data representation from- 1) csv file and 2) updated MDS in KmeansView? Do I have write the same logic from MDS view model/class in Kmeans view model/class to get initially 1) ? thanks!Prasad

1 Answers


If you are using MVVM, you can bind the source of your scatter charts to a property in a viewmodel/class.

For example:

private Series _plotVariable;

public Series PlotVariable
       return _plotVariable;
       _plotVariable = value;

If you bind the source of your scatter charts to PlotVariable, when your class sets the value of _plotVariable, the scatter charts will update.