I am trying to find the last 7 quarters from the given quarter and year in MS Excel.
For eg. if I have Q1 2016 then I should be able to find Q4 2015 in one cell and Q3 2015 in another cell and so on showing the last seven quarters. This should be dynamic i.e when the current quarter changes, the year should move also wherever required.
I have been able to find the last quarter number using the following formulas:
But I am not able keep the year dynamic.
If the current quarter is Q1 2015 then the quarters I need would be:
Q4 2015
Q3 2015
Q2 2015
Q1 2015
Q4 2014
Q3 2014
Q2 2014
items in my answer toCOLUMNS($A:A)
– Ron Rosenfeld