
I want to create a filter using a command like countif or similar with the following Criteria. I do not know if it possible and if it is this task is beyond my current knowledge of Excel; I have been unable to create a code that even makes sense with formulas such as Countif.

This is an example of the table that is going to use the formula:


In the cell belonging to Each Sample (e.i, 1) A value need to appear if there is a sample with the same code which date has similar month and year. later I will use this value to filter all Samples with similar Month and Year.

I deeply appreciate any help on the matter.


1 Answers


Use the COUNTIFS function,

=countifs(a:a, a2, c:c, ">=" & date(year(c2), month(c2), 1), c:c, "<" & date(year(c2), month(c2) + 1, 1))

This may be the funciĆ³n CONTAR.SI.CONJUNTO for your regional settings. Your computer may also be using a semi-colon (e.g. ;) instead of the EN-US comma as a list separator.