
I am working on Symfony2 project. And now want to add some dynamic actions. I want to use jQuery and Ajax calls and API.

Below I wrote my project model. my model

Issue is there where I put "?" on the picture.

For example I have comments in my page and 2 buttons "oldest" "newest".

Basically on the page load TWIG load comment to my view and everything works fine. Then I want to click on the button to change way of display comments. But want to do this without reloading a page. I click btn -> run JavaScript -> connect byt AJAX with API controller -> take back data from database ... And here I stuck

I have data in JSON but have no idea how to load them into my view instead a date loaded by Twig at the beginning.

That's a serious wall on my way to dynamic changes on web page. Thinking about:

  • Creating all the view in JavaScript and replace twig data on the view using jQuery like .html() or something - but there would be a lot of HTML code in JavaScript script, not sure that's right way

Maybe you know how to solve that issue in more elegant way?


1 Answers


It is not a Twig, but a JQuery concern. Here is an example.


    path:     /get-filtered-list
    defaults: { _controller: "CompanyMyBundle:Comment:getFilteredList" }
    methods:  POST


public function getFilteredListAction(Request $request)
    $param1= $request->request->get('param1');
    $param2= $request->request->get('param2');

    $result = array();
    //Fill $result with DB request

    return new JsonResponse($result);  

JQuery request

    type: 'POST', 
    url: "{{ path('my_symfony_route') }}",
    data: { param1: 'value', param2: 'value' }, 
    dataType: 'json',
    success: function (data) { 
        //Handle your JSON data to update the DOM
        $.each(data, function(index, element) {
            $('#myDivId').append($('<div>', {
                text: element.name