I have to write a function to remove elements from a lazy list. Indexes of elements to be removed are in list xs
I don't know where I should sort xs? When I try in this way I get "Error: This expression has type...".
type 'a llist = LNil | LCons of 'a * (unit -> 'a llist)
let rec remove xs ll =
let rec helper =
| (_, i, LNil) -> LNil
| (h::t, i, LCons(x, xf)) -> if h = i then helper (t, (i + 1), xf())
else LCons(x, fun() -> helper (h::t, (i + 1), xf()))
| ([], i, LCons(x, xf)) -> LCons(x, xf)
in helper (List.sort xs, 0, ll);;