I'm trying to write a function that checks whether a set (denoted by a list) is a subset of another.
I already wrote a helper function that gives me the intersection:
let rec intersect_helper a b =
match a, b with
| [], _ -> []
| _, [] -> []
| ah :: at, bh :: bt ->
if ah > bh then
intersect_helper a bt
else if ah < bh then
intersect_helper at b
ah :: intersect_helper at bt
I'm trying to use this inside of the subset function (if A is a subset of B, then A = A intersect B):
let subset a_ b_ =
let a = List.sort_uniq a_
and b = List.sort_uniq b_
in intersect_helper a b;;
Error: This expression has type 'a list -> 'a list but an expression was expected of type 'b list
What exactly is wrong here? I can use intersect_helper
perfectly fine by itself, but calling it with lists here does not work. From what I know about 'a
, it's just a placeholder for the first argument type. Shouldn't the lists also be of type 'a list