
I am trying to use indicator in a report on a matrix. There is a column in my matrix called %Change and want my indicator to reflect the data from that column. The data in that column is like in the following picture:

enter image description here

My indicator expression is the same as one in the %change data rows:

=iif(Sum(iif(Fields!Year.Value = Max(Fields!Year.Value) - 1, Fields!Fact_Person_Count.Value, 0)) = 0, 0, ((Sum(iif(Fields!Year.Value = Max(Fields!Year.Value), Fields!Fact_Person_Count.Value, 0)) / Sum(iif(Fields!Year.Value = Max(Fields!Year.Value) - 1, Fields!Fact_Person_Count.Value, 0))) - 1))

The indicator properties window looks like this:

enter image description here

The values in the start and end are the percentage value that the expression will output, and if the percent is between -1000% and -15% then it should be red downwards arrow if between -15% to 15% then it must be right yellow arrow and if more the 15% then green upwards arrow.

I am not sure what I am doing wrong because the output literally shows indicators at random data rows (see the following images):

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After the changes I made:

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There are a total of 7 outputs in the report, devided through different years. thats why 7 images. Whats funny is the 4th column throughout doesnt show any values

I know you are confident that the expression is the same, but are you able to add a text box to the same cell as the indicator is in and output the percentage values directly to the screen.Jonnus
well i added a test box and just previewed, it gave an integer output, but i changed the properties of text box to percentage and then added the indicator with the same properties, and now its not showing any indicator valueFaiz
What was the integer value? Have you tried using the indicator based on these integer values rather then the percentages?Jonnus
yes i did, i kept everything same and just added in a column on left called indicator values and i copy pasted the expression from indicator to the row data to see the real values. see my question update in 3 mins, i ll put the output report images thereFaiz
just to clarify i changed the values in the indicator properties by *100Faiz

1 Answers


If your textbox expression and the indicator expression are the same then Try to change the state Measurement Unit proporty into Numeric

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