I am trying to use indicator in a report on a matrix. There is a column in my matrix called %Change and want my indicator to reflect the data from that column. The data in that column is like in the following picture:
My indicator expression is the same as one in the %change data rows:
=iif(Sum(iif(Fields!Year.Value = Max(Fields!Year.Value) - 1, Fields!Fact_Person_Count.Value, 0)) = 0, 0, ((Sum(iif(Fields!Year.Value = Max(Fields!Year.Value), Fields!Fact_Person_Count.Value, 0)) / Sum(iif(Fields!Year.Value = Max(Fields!Year.Value) - 1, Fields!Fact_Person_Count.Value, 0))) - 1))
The indicator properties window looks like this:
The values in the start and end are the percentage value that the expression will output, and if the percent is between -1000% and -15% then it should be red downwards arrow if between -15% to 15% then it must be right yellow arrow and if more the 15% then green upwards arrow.
I am not sure what I am doing wrong because the output literally shows indicators at random data rows (see the following images):
After the changes I made:
There are a total of 7 outputs in the report, devided through different years. thats why 7 images. Whats funny is the 4th column throughout doesnt show any values