
I've coded a gettext wrapper that makes the whole process of l10n a little bit simpler but somehow I can't get PoEdit to correctly identify and parse plural version calls to the function. This is what I originally had:

_e(array('%d house', '%d houses'), 5);

But that doesn't work at all, PoEdit picks nothing at all. I also tried:

_e('%d house', '%d houses', 5);

This time PoEdit catches the %d house but not the plural form of %d houses, however if I try exactly the same but with a ngettext() call it works perfectly, both the singular and plural forms are identified:

ngettext('%d house', '%d house', 5);

I've correctly (?) added the _e keyword to the project settings, but it doesn't pick up plural variations. I've also noticed that PoEdit only has _, gettext and gettext_noop as the default keyworks to pick up, there is no reference whatsoever to the ngettext, dngettext or dcngettext functions but it can still correctly pick up the ngettext calls... This makes me wonder if PoEdit has hardcoded the ngettext keyword - that would be really sad.

Anyway, is there any way to make PoEdit (or any other similar app), correctly parse custom functions?

Do you have at least Poedit 1.3.0?Alex Jasmin
@Alexandre: Poedit 1.4.6 (Windows).Alix Axel
I found this link (devcomments.com/…) it seems that it isn't possible. Are there any alternatives?Alix Axel
According to the xgettext documentation, you have to add the _e keyword to the project (which will take the first argument only) or _e:1,2 which will take the first and second argument and interpret them as plural forms.caw

3 Answers


I've found the solution, the keyword has to be defined with the following expression:


Source: http://osdir.com/ml/editors.poedit.user/2008-05/msg00012.html


Actually you need to do both things above.

  • Define the keyword like '_e:1,2' AND
  • Add the plural form nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;

to the catalogue settings


Here is another solution, it is very easy to setup. Just follow the steps below:

Menu: Catalog -> Settings will open the Settings dialog. On the Project Info tab you will find "Plural Forms" at the bottom. Just copy & paste the following line in this field:

nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;

That will fix the problem perfectly. I didn't even had to rescan the sources; the correct lines automatically appeared in the PoEditer.