
I'm trying to get Smarty and gettext to work together in a project of mine. Currently smarty uses .tpl files for its template system.
I use PoEdit for creating catalog files and I've added '*.tpl' to the file extensions under PHP but when I try to scan for gettext strings I get the following errors and it is not able to find my strings:

xgettext: warning: file ../libs/smarty/debug.tpl' extensiontpl' is unknown; will try C
xgettext: warning: file ../template/login.tpl' extensiontpl' is unknown; will try C
xgettext: warning: file ../template/index.tpl' extensiontpl' is unknown; will try C

Well how can I get it to work?


2 Answers


(What you have mentioned should work). Make sure it's saving correctly.

Edit > Preferences > Parsers

Select PHP

Enter in the allowed extensions...


enter image description here

Note: You also might need to update your parser command to include:

xgettext --language=PHP --force-po -o %o %C %K %F


After a day of trying to install smarty parser with no success I have edited the Perl in

Edit > Preferences > Parsers

So to the list of extensions I added *.tpl


It parses now all {_("text")} inside smarty tpl