My use case is to map an Observable to redux actions of success and failure. I make a network call (with a function that gives promise), if it succeeds I have to forward a success action, if it fails than an error action. The Observable itself shall keep going. For all I could search, RxJS do not have a mechanism for this catching the error and retrying the original. I have following solution in my code which I am not happy with:
error$ = new Rx.Subject();
searchResultAction$ = search$
.map((resuls) => {
return {
payload: {
.retryWhen((err$) => {
return err$
.map((query) => {
return {
payload: {
message: 'Error while retrieving data'
action$ = Observable
.doOnError(err => console.error('Ignored error: ', err))
i.e I create a subject, and push errors into that subject and create an Observable of error actions from that.
Is there a better alternative of doing this in RxJS that I am missing? Basically I want to emit a notification of what error has occurred, and then continue with whatever the Observable is already doing.