Any help with this pl/sql and I would very much appreciate it. First off some basic info. I am using APEX 4.2 and have a Interactive report and form. I am interested in building a dynamic action on the form so that when the LEAVE_DATE is changed a PL/SQL function body (dynamic action) calculates whether the person has left within 12 month of their start date. Here are the columns in play and what I have attempted. The two calculations and be two separate dynamic actions. The first would be a calculation that results in a new date if the person left within 12 months of their BILL_READY DATE and the second returns 'Early Leaver' if within 12 months. Would be great if they could be in the same calculation though.
:P24_MESSAGE (VARCHAR 255) --This would display 'Early Leaver' if within 12 months else null.
case when :P24_LEAVING_DATE between :P24_BILL_READY AND (:P24_BILL_READY + 365) THEN (:P24_LEAVING_DATE - 30)
Thanks for your help,