
I am using Oracle Apex 19.2. I am trying to build a a dynamic report based on Classic report and PL/SQL function body returning SQL statement. Simply I have two date pickers where I set a default value of sysdate - 21 (set through dynamic action on page refresh) then I construct a simple report with the following PL/SQL

  clsd_snc date:= :P5_CLOSED_SINCE;
  ignrd_snc date := :P5_IGNORED_SINCE;
  return 'select ' || clsd_snc || ',' || ignrd_snc || ' from dual';

I have two problems:

  1. When the form loads I see the following set in the date pickers: 12/15/2019
  2. When I set the date manually to a proper date I see the following output in the report: .000495049504950495049504950495049504950495

I tried using to_date and to_char in the PL/SQL and to change the date format of the pickers but nothing is working. I would hugely appreciate your help.

I tried to do what you described, but can't reproduce it - works OK for me. Please, create a sample page on apex.oracle.com, provide login credentials so that we could look at what you did and how Apex responded.Littlefoot
Please login to the following account Workspace:TRACKING_WS Username:test@user.com Password:APEX1234 Page 3 in the reportAhmed Sol

1 Answers


Thank you for the sample page. I copied your page 3 to page 4 (so that your "original" remains intact) and did this:

  • dynamic action: turn OFF "Escape special characters"
    • this fixes the 12/15/2019 issue
  • report query: enclose clsd_snc into single quotes (chr(39))

    • this fixes the .000495049504950 issue

        clsd_snc date := :P4_CLSD_SINCE;
        return 'select ' || chr(39) || clsd_snc || chr(39) || ' from dual';

I guess that's it; so - check page #4.