
Having a little problem with this tiny bit of code in Excel VBA.

All I'm trying to do is select multiple sheets in a workbook and export them as one PDF. I have many Sheets that I don't want to hide or move around, so earlier in my code I looped and saved the particular names in an array. I was getting this error, so i thought I would resort to simply hard coding their names to see if that worked.

But even with hard coded names i get the 'Subscript out of range error', so there must be something else going wrong.

wb.Sheets(Array("Sheet 1", "Sheet 2", "Sheet 3", "Sheet 4", "Sheet 5")).Select

Selection.ExportAsFixedFormat Type:=xlTypePDF, _ ............

Are there any known errors relating to the above statement? (I've only included the first 2 lines as it doesn't execute past the first line) OR are there any suggestions to stop this error occuring?

Note: I have changed the Sheet names as they relate to sensitive data. However an example is "S&C vendor1"

Are you sure your wb reference is pointing to the right workbook? That syntax works fine for me.Tim Williams
Yep, Set wb = xl.Workbooks.Open(F.Path) I'm also iterating through many workbooks, but i reference the wb in many other parts of my code which execute fine.drcoding
Then there's likely another piece of information we don't have access to which explains the problem. Try removing the sheet names one-by-one until the error disappears.Tim Williams
Maybe populate the array with the name of the worksheet directly, instead of manually putting in the names. wb.sheets(1).Name for example for the first worksheet, and so on.MGP

2 Answers


Be sure to spell worksheet names properly:

Sub dural()
   Set wb = ActiveWorkbook
   wb.Sheets(Array("Sheet1", "Sheet2", "Sheet3")).Select
End Sub

There is no space in the default worksheet name.


Thanks for the help everyone. It turns out that I accidently had it inside a loop and must have been selecting multiple times and then ran out of range.

Thanks for all the help anyway.