
I'm trying to write a simple VBA Subroutine that:

  1. creates a new workbook in the same directory of the excel file that contains the code ("original file" from here onward)
  2. saves the new workbook as _export.xlsx
  3. copies some predefined sheets from the original file to the "*_export" one.

This is what I've got at the time being:

Sub export()

Dim myPath, folderPath, fileName, exportFileFullPath As String
Dim arrayOfSheetsToCopy As Variant

folderPath = Application.ActiveWorkbook.Path
fullPath = Application.ActiveWorkbook.FullName
fileName = Replace(Application.ActiveWorkbook.Name, ".xlsm", "")

exportFileFullPath = folderPath & "\" & fileName & "_export.xlsx"

ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs fileName:=exportFileFullPath, FileFormat:=xlOpenXMLWorkbook, CreateBackup:=False

arrayOfSheetsToCopy = Array("originalSheet1", "originalSheet2", "originalSheet3")

Workbooks(fullPath).Sheets(arrayOfSheetsToCopy).Copy After:=Workbooks(exportFileFullPath).Sheets(Sheets.Count)

End Sub

The code seems to run until a "Subscript out of range" error at Sheets(arrayOfSheetsToCopy).Copy... Initially I though to some kind of syntax error in the definition of the Array of Sheets, so I tried to write a separate .Copy instruction for each Sheet. The same code interrupts at the same point with the same error.

Any idea? Thank you!


2 Answers


Workbook.FullName does not return a valid argument for the Workbooks collection.

You can test this by running ?Workbooks(ActiveWorkbook.FullName).FullName in the Immediate Window - it will error. On the other hand, Workbook.Name does work, so ?Workbooks(ActiveWorkbook.Name).FullName will not error. In other words Workbooks("C:\Users\fabbius\Documents\SomeFile.xlsx") is not valid, while Workbooks("SomeFile.xlsx") is valid, so long as a file by that name is open.

However, I fail to see the benefit of using FullName over using properly defined Workbook Objects:

Sub export()
    Dim exportFileFullPath As String, arrayOfSheetsToCopy As Variant
    Dim wsExportFrom As Workbook, wsExportTo As Workbook
    Set wsExportFrom = ActiveWorkbook
    Set wsExportTo = Workbooks.Add
    exportFileFullPath = Replace(wsExportFrom.FullName, ".xlsm", "_export.xlsx", Len(wsExportFrom.Path))
    'The Len() is in case the File Path contains ".xlsm" for some reason
    wsExportTo.SaveAs fileName:=exportFileFullPath, FileFormat:=xlOpenXMLWorkbook, CreateBackup:=False
    arrayOfSheetsToCopy = Array("originalSheet1", "originalSheet2", "originalSheet3")
    wsExportFrom.Sheets(arrayOfSheetsToCopy).Copy after:=wsExportTo.Sheets(wsExportTo.Sheets.Count)
End Sub

Of course, if this Macro is being run from the workbook you intend to export from, then With and ThisWorkbook make things even simpler:

Sub export()
    Dim exportFileFullPath As String, arrayOfSheetsToCopy As Variant
    exportFileFullPath = Replace(ThisWorkbook.FullName, ".xlsm", "_export.xlsx", Len(ThisWorkbook.Path))
    'The Len() is in case the File Path contains ".xlsm" for some reason

    arrayOfSheetsToCopy = Array("originalSheet1", "originalSheet2", "originalSheet3")

    With Workbooks.Add
        .SaveAs fileName:=exportFileFullPath, FileFormat:=xlOpenXMLWorkbook, CreateBackup:=False
        ThisWorkbook.Sheets(arrayOfSheetsToCopy).Copy after:=.Sheets(.Sheets.Count)
    End With
End Sub

Final note: You are saving the file before you add the worksheets to it. Should those lines be the other way around?


This works for me

Sub export()

    Dim myPath, folderPath, fileName, exportFileFullPath As String
    Dim arrayOfSheetsToCopy As Variant
    Dim sht As Worksheet
    Dim newWorkBook As Workbook
    folderPath = Application.ActiveWorkbook.Path
    fullPath = Application.ActiveWorkbook.FullName
    fileName = Replace(Application.ActiveWorkbook.Name, ".xlsm", "")
    fileName = Replace(fileName, ".xlsx", "")
    exportFileFullPath = folderPath & "\" & fileName & "_export.xlsx"
    Set newWorkBook = Workbooks.Add
    Call newWorkBook.SaveAs(fileName:=exportFileFullPath, FileFormat:=xlOpenXMLWorkbook, CreateBackup:=False)
    For Each sht In ThisWorkbook.Sheets
        Call sht.Copy(after:=newWorkBook.Sheets(Sheets.Count))
    Next sht
    Call newWorkBook.Close(saveChanges:=True)

End Sub

or if you want to use predefined sheetnames

For Each sheetName In Array("originalSheet1", "originalSheet2", "originalSheet3")

    Call ThisWorkbook.Sheets(sheetName).Copy(after:=newWorkBook.Sheets(Sheets.Count))

Next sheetName