How can I can I test my components that get an ember-data model passed into it as props?
For example:
{{#queue/review/moderatable-text model=activity property="info_name" handleModeration="handleModeration"}}
{{pro-form-textfield value=activity.info_name}}
where activity is a model instance.
How do I setup my integration test to pass in activity and to test it where component can save the model?
I tried to stub out as if it's pure ember objects:
test('it sets approved', function(assert) {
// Set any properties with this.set('myProperty', 'value');
// Handle any actions with this.on('myAction', function(val) { ... });" + EOL + EOL +
this.set('property', 'info_title');
this.set('model', Ember.Object.create({counterpart: Ember.Object.create()}))
// Template block usage:" + EOL +
{{#queue/review/moderatable-text property=property}}
{{pro-form-textfield value=value}}
but then I'd have to create my own save()
methods and others.