I am currently debugging a hard fault trap which turned out to be a precise data bus error on a STM32F205 Cortex-M3 processor, using Keil uVision. Due to a lengthy debugging and googling process I found the assembly instruction that caused the trap. Now I am looking for a way to avoid this lengthy process next time a trap occurs.
In the application note 209 by Keil it says:
PRECISEERR: Precise data bus error: 0 = no precise data bus error 1 = a data bus error has occurred, and the PC value stacked for the exception return points to the instruction that caused the fault. When the processor sets this bit it writes the faulting address to SCB->BFAR
and also this:
An exception saves the state of registers R0-R3, R12, PC & LR either the Main Stack or the Process Stack (depends on the stack in use when the exception occurred).
The last quote I am interpreting as such that there should be 7 registers plus the respective stack. When I look up my SP address in the memory I see the address that caused the error at an address 10 words higher than the stack pointer address.
My questions are:
Is the address of the instruction that caused the trap always saved 10 words higher than the current stack pointer? And could you please point out a document where I can read up on how and why this is?
Is there another register that would contain this address as well?