I'm helping my uncle who has a website that he doesn't remember anything about, whatsoever. He has had it for years and he's very unstructured. I tried getting him to find a bill from the hosting-company, where he has his website - but he says he's paying to so many things that he doens't know what is, so that wasn't an option.
I tried running a whois on his domain, but it's pointing to a free online DNS-redelegation tool ( www.gratisDNS.dk - the nameservers are called ns1.gratisdns.dk, ns2.gratisdns.dk, ...). I know that many companies use this tool to redirect the traffic to their own hosting-solution (since gratisdns means 'free dns').
So the question is, if I can find the hosting company some other way, by having the domain name and the name-servers? I would assume that the answer is 'no' (just FYI).