I'm trying to solve the 26th Project Euler problem and I wrote something which compiles fine but when I launch it I get an error.
The program is:
module Main where
import Data.List (maximumBy, unfoldr)
liste :: Int -> [(Int,Int)]
liste i = unfoldr étape (1,i)
where étape (n,m) = if mod (n*10) m == 0
then Nothing
else Just ((mod (n*10) m, div (n*10) m), (mod (n*10) m, i))
longueur :: Int -> Maybe Int
longueur i =
let maxRecherche = 5000
laListe = liste i
assignAttribute :: Int -> Maybe Int
assignAttribute j = if ((laListe !! j) == (laListe !! maxRecherche))
then Just (maxRecherche - j)
else if (j==1) then Nothing
else assignAttribute(j-1)
in if (length laListe < maxRecherche)
then Nothing
else assignAttribute(maxRecherche-1)
-- éléments comparés à maxRacherche, dv dc etre avant (a=a)
main :: IO()
main = do
putStrLn "hello"
let longueur370 = longueur 370
putStrLn $ "370 : " ++ show longueur370
let longueurs = Data.List.maximumBy tri $ map (\i -> (i,longueur i)) [1..1000]
putStrLn $ "resultats : " ++ (show longueurs)
where tri (_,Nothing)(_,Nothing) = EQ
tri (_,Nothing)(_,_) = LT
tri (_,_)(_,Nothing) = GT
tri (_,Just u)(_,Just v) = compare u v
Here are some short explanations :
- the function
creates an infinite list of pairs, a pair containing (rest,digit) where rest and digit are the result of the computation of the i-th digit of 1/n (see the Project Euler for why I'm computing 1/n) this function seems to work well, as proved by the test with 370. - the function
extract the 5000 first pairs and try to find the length of any cycle. I assumed that the 5000th pair is contained in a possible cycle ie the cycle has already begun. Note that it's totally empiric but the 1/n to compute are limited to [1..1000], which is not very huge. Finally, all this is a little complicated by the fact that a list of pairs can stop if there is no cycle.
The error is given by the OS: after some minutes, I get the message "processus stopped"...
I found how to make it : I test if the list contains a given number of elements, by dropping this number of elements, and checking the list remaining is not null.