It's not clear from the SagePay docs if the Token integration works for PayPal transactions.
It doesn't appear to.
The token docs state that:
If you wish to register this transaction as the first in a series of regular payments, this field should be set to 1.
If you do not have a PayPal account set up for use via Sage Pay, then this field is not necessary and should be omitted or set to 0.
0 = This is a normal PayPal transaction, not the first in a series of payments (default)
1 = This is the first in a series of PayPal payments. Subsequent payments can be taken using TxType=REPEAT.
To repeat a SagePay PayPal transaction is it necessay to use the REPEAT transaction type outlined in the shared protocol guidelines documentation.
As SagePay archive transactions after two years, is there a way that we could increase the life of a subscription beyond two years?
Is the token supplied by SagePay in the notification for a PayPal transaction useful?