I'm trying to perform transaction using Sagepay Server API. I've properly setup by simulator vendor account and also added the IP address. Still im getting the following error
Sage Pay returned an MALFORMED status. The POST was Malformed because "Simulator cannot find your vendor name. Ensure you have have supplied a Vendor field with your Vendor name assigned to it."
Here is my POST request data
[VPSProtocol] => 2.23
[TxType] => PAYMENT
[Currency] => GBP
[Vendor] => curiouslabx
[NotificationUrl] => http://localhost:8080/numberplate/sagepay_notification
[Description] => Purchase of number plate AU59STG
[AllowGiftAid] => 0
[ApplyAVSCV2] => 0
[Apply3DSecure] => 0
[Profile] => NORMAL
[AccountType] => E
[Amount] => 700.00
[success_url] => http://localhost:8080/numberplate/payment/payment_status/success/
[failure_url] => http://localhost:8080/numberplate/payment/payment_status/failure/
[BillingFirstnames] => test
[BillingSurname] => test
[BillingAddress1] => test
[BillingAddress2] => test
[BillingCity] => testtest
[BillingPostCode] => test
[BillingCountry] => test
[BillingState] => test
[BillingPhone] => test
[DeliveryFirstnames] => test
[DeliverySurname] => test
[DeliveryAddress1] => test
[DeliveryAddress2] => test
[DeliveryCity] => testtest
[DeliveryPostCode] => test
[DeliveryCountry] => test
[DeliveryState] => test
[DeliveryPhone] => test
[VendorTxCode] => 14-04-30-20-10-53-572086512
I'm using sagepay server library for codeigniter https://github.com/ollierattue/codeigniter-sagepay-server/
. The array of data, put into the POST body, must be URL encoded. The error reported often means the gateway cannot parse the POST body at all, so there is something wrong with the POST as a whole. – Jason