The way you get the data differs if the client makes a GET or a POST.
If this is a get, all the parameters are in the url in a url format.
Many many ressource on the web will give you some code to parse this url and get name and value a simple search in goolge will bring :
I use generally the following code, which add in the document context the fields received on url or on post.
Dim s As NotesSession
Set s = New notessession
Set doc = s.documentcontext
Dim myQuerystring As String
If doc Is Nothing Then
logErrorEX "getting a call without document context ?!?","", doc,""
GoTo returnErr
End If
If doc.QUERY_STRING_DECODED(0)<>"" Then'it's a GET
myQuerystring = doc.QUERY_STRING_DECODED(0)
ElseIf doc.QUERY_STRING(0)<>"" Then
myQuerystring = doc.QUERY_STRING(0)
'decode it !
ElseIf doc.REQUEST_CONTENT(0)<>"" Then'it's a POST
myQuerystring = doc.REQUEST_CONTENT(0) ' WARNING this is for POST but you will have to decode !!!
'decode it !
logErrorEX "getting a call with document context but without query_string?!?","", doc,""
GoTo returnErr
End if
Call ExplodeQueryString(myQuerystring, doc)
Private Sub ExplodeQueryString (QueryString As String,doc As NotesDocument )
Dim ArgsList As Variant
ArgsList = Split (QueryString, "&")
If IsArray(ArgsList) Then
debugString = debugString+"ArgsList is an array of " & UBound(ArgsList)
debugString = debugString+"ArgsList is NOT an array ??? " & ArgsList
End if
Dim ArgKey As String
Dim ArgValue As String
ForAll Arg In ArgsList
If left$(Arg, 1)= "_" Or Left$(Arg, 1)= "%" Then
'ignore it
ArgKey = strleft(Arg, "=")
If ArgKey = "" Then
'ignore it?
ArgValue = strright$(Arg, "=")
' AgentArgs(ArgKey) = ArgValue
doc.Replaceitemvalue ArgKey, ArgValue
End If
End if
End ForAll
End Sub
I didn't declare some global variable like debugString to shorten in.