
PHP 7 introduces return type declarations. Which means I can now indicate the return value is a certain class, interface, array, callable or one of the newly hintable scalar types, as is possible for function parameters.

function returnHello(): string {
    return 'hello';

Often it happens that a value is not always present, and that you might return either something of some type, or null. While you can make parameters nullable by setting their default to null (DateTime $time = null), there does not appear to be a way to do this for return types. Is that indeed the case, or am I somehow not finding how to do it? These do not work:

function returnHello(): string? {
    return 'hello';

function returnHello(): string|null {
    return 'hello';
PHP7 won't allow nullable return types yet, but there's an RFC that aims to address this in PHP 7.1 here. The propesed notation would then be function returnString(?string $stringNull) : ?string { return $stringNull;}Elias Van Ootegem
I've ended up emulating nullability by abusing exceptions in my application for now. If you're fine with being silly as well, this might be of use: github.com/JeroenDeDauw/OhMyPhp/blob/master/src/…Jeroen De Dauw
Perhaps it might make more sense to use the PHP7 Trowable interface (specifically, extending the TypeError)Elias Van Ootegem

3 Answers


PHP 7.1 Now supports nullable return types. The first RFC I linked to is the one they went for:

function nullOrString(int $foo) : ?string
    return $foo%2 ? "odd" : null;

old answer:

Since my comment was actually an answer to the question:

PHP 7 won't support nullable return-types just yet, but there's an RFC out to address just that, it aims to land in PHP 7.1. If it passes, the syntax would then affect all type-hints (both return types and type-hints):

public function returnStringOrNull(?array $optionalArray) : ?string
    if ($optionalArray) {
        return implode(', ', $optionalArray);//string returned here
    return null;

There's also a competing RFC to add union types, which would be able to do the same thing, but would look different:

public function returnStringOrNull(array|null $optionalArray) : string|null
    if ($optionalArray) {
        return implode(', ', $optionalArray);//string returned here
    return null;

For now, though, you'll have to write:

public function returnStringOrNull( array $optionalArray = null)
    if ($optionalArray) {
        return implode(', ', $optionalArray);

Or just return an empty string to be consistent with the return type, and check falsy value:

public function returnStringOrNull( array $optionalArray = null) : string
    if ($optionalArray) {
        return implode(', ', $optionalArray);
    return '';
$string = $x->returnStringOrNull();
if (!$string) {
    $string = $x->returnStringOrNull(range(1, 10));

Nullable Types are available in PHP 7.1.

This is a syntax example:

public function getName(): ?string
    return $this->name; // name can be null

PHP 7.1 is now GA and you can upgrade from PHP 7.0 (there are only few backward incompatible changes that you have to check)


It works with any type.

public function getOpportunity(): ?Opportunity
    return $this->opportunity;